Still Life with Onions
by Rob Burbidge
12 - 16 March, 7:30pm
The war is over, and the Allies have won. Britain has ambitious plans to rebuild. But a year after VE-day, victory celebrations are a distant memory; rationing and austerity are all around, while pain and loss are in surplus. Far too many people have lost family, or friendships, or livelihoods. In a grimy tenement block, three survivors bond together. An English country girl, a London shop assistant and a refugee from Germany find themselves in new conflict with each other and with their own regrets.
As if that isn't enough, the coldest winter in living memory is just around the corner. As the city turns first white and then grey, fortunes and spirits fall as low as the mercury. Will the three artists take up arms against their pasts to find their own true peace?
Naomi Bowman
Kieran Dobson
Christopher Kouros
Olivia Steele
Written by Rob Burbidge
Directed by Amalia Kontesi
Sound design: Sam Tannenbaum
Set design: Sofia Palma
Costume design: Vasiliki Verousi